Seating & Parking
Priority Seating Contributions
Priority seating contributions provide Huskers Athletic Fund members with a minimum annual contribution required to sit in a specific section. Inventory varies throughout Memorial Stadium and seating upgrades are selected during the Seat Selection Process which assigns timeslots based on Huskers Athletic Fund ranking which is determined by priority level, then priority points.

Selecting, Upgrading, or Adding Additional Seats
New football season tickets can be purchased during the renewal process in limited areas of Memorial Stadium at Huskers.com/FBtickets. The Huskers Athletic Fund also offers new and current season ticket holders the opportunity to add, upgrade, or relocate their season tickets each year through the Seat Selection Process after the renewal deadline. Because appointment times for Seat Selection are assigned based on Huskers Athletic Fund ranking, we encourage members to consider upgrading their membership level by making a gift above & beyond their priority seating contribution to one of our areas of greatest need.
A few days prior to the process, we will send you your Seat Selection appointment time during which you can login to view the available inventory. Should you move into a new section with a higher price point or add seats, payment will be taken upon checkout for the difference. If you need assistance or have any questions, please contact the Huskers Athletic Fund at nebraska@huskers.com.
To participate in the Seat Selection Process, both new and current Nebraska Football season ticket holders, must enroll prior to the renewal deadline to receive an appointment time.
Football Parking
All parking passes are sold for the full season to current season ticket holders during the seating & parking selection process.
There is no contribution minimum to purchase parking. Purchase options are subject to availability during the annual parking selection process and minimum season ticket purchases will apply.
Minimum number of season tickets
Minimum number of Parking Passes
4 (Maximum)
In addition to general admission/non-reserved parking lots, there are several options available for reserved parking stalls that may be purchased through the Football seating and parking selection process.
Parking Lot Maps
RV & Oversized Vehicle parking is available at Lot 11RV through the football seating and parking selection process, or in Haymarket Park.
Interested in securing the best parking?
or contact the Huskers Athletic Fund at (402) 472-3111.
Football Premium
Seating & Hospitality
Learn more about current premium seating and hospitality experiences at Memorial Stadium. Select premium seating experiences automatically qualify for priority parking benefits.
Important Dates
& Deadlines
The next football seating & parking selection process will occur in May 2025. Learn more about important dates and deadlines for football seating and parking options.